Archive | January, 2014

this web site have details of the poeple who are in needs

27 Jan

A dream – organized traffic plan for Colombo

27 Jan

for sri lankans


If we have a separate lane for motor bicycle riders and tuk tuks, they will not trouble themselves and other motorists by creeping between vehicles. The road development authority should plan to expand the road by at least 6 feets for this lane. If we have money, that can be developed in a flyover type.

paving separate lane for motor cycles and tuk tuks will definitely minimize accident rates and the probability to accidents.

I know suggesting is easier than implementing. But with the increase of number of vehicles on Colombo roads, we should have solutions to minimize accidents.

No one can restrict the number of vehicles on roads. If someone is trying to do that, there should be strategic plans to cover needs of the people. Also, there should be researches to find out the patterns of vehicle usage. increase of motor cars, bicycles, buses and other vehicles…

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Driving in Colombo

21 Jan

I dont have an idea of how this post is applicable to other Asian countries. But driving in Colombo is just like driving in a play area with electric cars. There are tuk tuks creeping all over the road between vehicles. motor bicycles are same. they creep from left, right, front and back. We should have eyes in all the directions to see from which direction one bike comes and creep. Driving has became an effort of saving others lives. Specially lives of riders and tuk tuk people.

Respecting others is less in Colombo roads. All are trying to run, run and run like crazy people. people who own prado, montero and other high class vehicles think they know driving very well and they dont care about other motorists. people who have been given company vehicles dont care about how they drive cos damage to the vehicle is not a burden to them.

when you drive, just remember one thing. THERE IS A VEHICLE BEHIND YOU, WHICH FOLLOWS YOUR LIGHTS. If you brake the vehicle suddenly, follower will not have time to control his / her vehicle and he / she will knock on your vehicle. Also, no matter how many creepers are there. think of their families. there are kids who are waiting at homes until they come home. Patience is the best practice on the road in Colombo.

I was a short tempered person when I got into the vehicle. Sometimes I had get into fights with crazy drivers. But now I know. when someone troubles you signalling unnecessarily or trying to creep between your vehicle and other, allow that person to go 1st. Just because they are impatient, why we get into the same crazy position? no matter it hurts your self-esteem. Allow them to pass u. That is the greatest thing you can do for your own safety.

Once my husband told me. ‘waiting one second may save your life’ I never forget that. So you should too.


A decision worth to respect

18 Jan

A decision worth to respect


An uncommon man who tried to change the common society

18 Jan

An uncommon man who tried to change the common society

Seems a great politician.. But time will decide. Anyway, Sri Lanka has a lot to learn from him. 

Waiting without making comments

16 Jan

I was so much frustrated. I felt like I was little by little dying. All my innovations, developments were with me, without using though there were so many requirements. The company didnt have any HR practice. I couldnt stop my mind run to old golden days which I tried to implement so many new things. I was suffering and dying inside.

I remember one day at a time I lost my patience, I told my husband that I will go and talk to the person whom interviewed me with lots of plans in his head. That moment I got the most valuable advice in my entire career life. He said ‘no. dont do it. you should never do that. At the moment you says that you are left out and your knowledge is not using, he will think you are not doing anything and then he will trouble you for the rest of your life there. Until you find a better place, stay calm and quiet. Doesnt matter your reading books, playing games or spending time in face book. Pass this hard time without complaining, until you get a better place.’

Isnt it true? I dont believe that the person whom I wanted to talk could ever resolve the matter I was in. Cos he was also facing to organizational ambulances and was not in a position to talk direct forward decisions. How can a person who is not established himself can critical decisions about entire HR system of the company?

There may be thousands of professionals who face to similar situation. I can give only one advice. Dont show others that you are in a hell. Be calm and quiet until you find a better place. At the moment you find it, LEAVE. thats it.